E-mail us your coffee shop stories at spilledmilkproject@gmail.com!

E-mail us your coffee shop stories at spilledmilkproject@gmail.com!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Cat Fancy

Coffee shops have a tendency to attract a "different" clientele than most people realize. There are all kinds of insane people that walk in looking for attention and a listening ear. It's hard enough to listen to these crazy people, so adding more factors can be challenging if you consider yourself a nice person.
I had a customer come in every Saturday morning precisely at 7 am. He was always walking home from his overnight shift, and he would stop in for a chat but wouldn't buy anything. He was in his mid-thirties, but wore a child-like expression and did not have a lick of people skills. Every morning he'd walk up to the counter with his nose wrinkled and his front teeth unnaturally protruding (this was a face he intentionally made). He wouldn't say anything, but simply stood awkwardly making cat-like faces at you until you initiated conversation. And without failure, every Saturday he would talk for twenty minutes about his roommates cat (ragamuffin), and give painful reenactments of its behavior. It was the most painful and bizarre situation I have ever been repeatedly placed in and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The tip jar is not a take-a-penny jar...

My coffee store has a little trivia board up, and everyday there is a new question for the customers. For a correct answer, the reward is 10 cents off of your coffee; it's hardly worth anything, but it just makes answering the trivia a little more fun.

I had a customer come in, order a coffee, and pay for his coffee. He then proceeded to read the trivia question. He guessed the answer right, and then asked me if that meant that he got 10 cents off. I had started to say "sure, but I've already taken payment..." when he cut me off halfway through my sentence and took a dime out of the TIP JAR and walked away.