E-mail us your coffee shop stories at spilledmilkproject@gmail.com!

E-mail us your coffee shop stories at spilledmilkproject@gmail.com!

Friday, April 1, 2011

The tip jar is not a take-a-penny jar...

My coffee store has a little trivia board up, and everyday there is a new question for the customers. For a correct answer, the reward is 10 cents off of your coffee; it's hardly worth anything, but it just makes answering the trivia a little more fun.

I had a customer come in, order a coffee, and pay for his coffee. He then proceeded to read the trivia question. He guessed the answer right, and then asked me if that meant that he got 10 cents off. I had started to say "sure, but I've already taken payment..." when he cut me off halfway through my sentence and took a dime out of the TIP JAR and walked away.

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