Ten Things Coffee Shop Customers Should Be Aware Of:
1. Do you have ANY idea how obnoxious it is when you stand there and try to order when you are on your cell phone? We are people too; hang up the phone, or AT LEAST tell the other person to hold on for a minute. Don’t act like I am the obnoxious one when I ask for your order…you did walk into a coffee shop.
2. I am not a mind reader. If you say you want coffee with a shot of caramel, that’s what you are getting. A latte is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DRINK.
3. Also, a latte typically is not iced, especially not in the middle of winter. If you ask for a vanilla latte, and then get mad at me when it’s not iced, maybe you should rethink your ESP skills and ASK FOR IT ICED next time
4. Yes, it’s decaf. Yes, I’m sure. Yes, I double-checked.
5. “Low-fat” muffin does NOT mean it is good for you, or that it is low-calorie. It simply means that it has 400 calories instead of 450 calories, and a couple less grams of fat.
6. A cappuccino is supposed to be 1/3 espresso, 1/3 milk, 1/3 froth. If you come into a coffee shop and ask for a cappuccino, don’t be disappointed when it doesn’t taste like the sugary mess you get from the convenience store.
7. A small tip goes a LONG way. We are working hard, and generally people are angry towards us… we aren’t asking for a lot, but if you throw in a couple quarters or a dollar, it is greatly appreciated.
8. You are getting a drink with whipped cream, chocolate, flavored syrup, and candies sprinkled on top. Changing it from “2 percent” to “skim milk” is not going to really save you a lot…
9. I don’t have a say in the music. My boss said I have to play it, so it’s getting played. I am sorry that you don’t like it…but I don’t either and I have to listen to it repeating for 6 hours at a time.
10. I also don’t have a say in the prices. I know that it is expensive, but nobody is forcing you to pay $5 a day. And it won’t make the coffee cheaper if you complain about it and yell at me for it.
Love, Your local barista